Congratulations to the boys who rain like the wind and are the 2018 6A STATE CHAMPIONS. Will Brown led the way with an 8th place finish followed closely by KC (10), Axel (11), Cole (13) and Tony (14). #TEAM
The ladies also ran well and finish 4th in the State meet. Sophie led the greyhounds with an incredible 5th place finish.
Both teams have been invited to compete in the Meet of Champions this week!! Awesome season GREYHOUNDS...we are proud of you!!!!

WOW, What a day for the Greyhounds!!! to start off the day Pope was led in the Open division by Davis and Brooke. The Open Girls WIN and the boys are third overall.
The JV teams were also successful as they both finished as the Region TEAM runnerup. Congrats to Muiz for WINNING the boys race and Isa for finishing 5th overall!!!
AND then the Varsity races.....WOW....my heart is still racing!!!!!!!!!!
.Sophie(2), Lorel(5), Hope (10), Hannah Rose(11) and Rachel (16) ran with a fire in their heart to WIN the VARSITY division!!!
The Varsity boys ran a very smart race and ALL emerged onto the finishing area with an incredible kick. Will (3) led the way with a wave of blue directly behind of KC (4) Axel (5), Tony (7) and Cole (10)Congrats Boys on your 3rd consecutive Region Championship!!!

Pope runs GREAT at the Pickens Invite and as we prepared for the Regions Championships!!! Sophie WON the varsity division and along with Lorel (PR), Hope (season PR), Hannah Rose (PR), and Bella/Rachel/Sam (PR) the blue wave ran to a STRONG Runner up finish. WE are READY for the Region Championships!!!!
KC Leads the Varsity Boys to a TEAM WIN with an overall Individual runner up finish!!! Muiz WINS the JV section leading the JV team to a runner up finish. All teams have numerous athletes running personal best times as we head into the REgion Championships on 10/23.

After a great day of team bonding at Universal Studios the teams ran well at the Disney XC Classic. The Varsity boys ran as a pack to a TEAM Runner up finish. The JV Boys WON the TEAM Championship with Bryce,Tyler, Nic, Muiz and Noah running strong for the Hounds. The girls also ran a good race behind Sam, Bella, Ashley, Sophia and Aurora. Hope and Bella H ran strong for the Varsity Hounds as they did a tempo surging workout to prepare for the Championship part of the season. #OurTEAMIsQuality! #HighGoals

The Greyhounds prevail at the Cass Cartersville Invitational at Dellinger park. Starting off the day were the JV boys who ran to a great team score of 19 for a TEAM WIN behind the fleet feet of Muiz, Bryce, Noah, Alec and Tyler. The JV girls also ran well and brought home a 2nd place trophy being let by Isa, Alice, Bella P, Emma.
The girls WON the Varsity division, with Sophie's overall individual win. Also placing for the varsity girls in a very tight 1 point win over a Region rival were Hope, Laurel, Rachel and Hannah Rose. The Varsity boys also WON the TEAM Championship behind Will Brown's individual runner-up place with Axel, Tony, KC and CONOR coming through to show our team depth!!! Great job GREYHOUNDS.....Next up Disney!!!!
Practice times for fall break
Wednesday 4-5 RIVER (Column's Drive parking lot)
Thursday 8-2 Redtop Mountain $5 and permission form need to be turned in an envelope by Wednesday 9/26.
Friday 9-10 RIVER (Column's Drive parking lot)
Click here for the organization calendar/workout suggestions for the next 2 weeks that was handed out at practice on 9/20.

Congratulations to AXEL MATEO and SOPHIE BOICE who were selected as the 6A Runner of the week by Georgia milesplit!! Congrats!!!!

Congrats to all athletes who proved the POPE PRIDE this weekend at the Warpath Invitational. Our Varsity girls started out the day with a 5th place team finish behind absolutely fantastic improvements of ALL 7 athletes. Sopie, Hope, Lorel, HR, Rachel, Bella and Sarah !! Your hard work is paying dividends ladies #Goals!!! The varsity boys sent a message on Saturday with a TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP against some quality teams from across the State. Our top 5 boys were all under 16:27!! Congrats Axel, Will, Cole, KC and Tony!!!
The JV teams continued the BLUE wave with Samantha, Sophia, Katherine, Isa and Bella P running strong for the Hounds. The JV boys were led by to a Runnerup finish by Muiz (under 18!!!), Bryce, Tyler, Alec and Will Be. Our Open athletes definitely proved themselves and were led by Sophia D who finished 2nd overall with a GREAT finishing kick! Also scoring for the Hounds in the Open divisions were Brooke, Aurora, Abbey and Olivia R. William W WON the boys Open division in decisive fashion with Noah, Lambert, Mick and Davis all running well as the Greyhounds WON the Open division. Congrats Hounds!!

In the Cobb County Championships the Greyhounds started off the day with the JV girls and were led by Sarah, Katherine, Samantha, Isa, Samantha and Olivia T to place third overall. The JV boys then toed the line and scoring for PXC were Alec Bailey, Zane, Vaclav, Davis and Lambert. GREAT JOB frosh/soph runners, the future of PXC is in good hands!!!
The varsity teams places 2nd/4th in the County Championships and were led by Tony, Will, Axel, KC and Cole who all placedin the top 12 overall. Sophie continued running well and finished 4th overall behind a solid group of Hope, Lorel, Hannah Rose and Bella!! WE have a lot of work to do before Region/State but we are on the right path!!!! Results (Meet management has been notified that several athletes are not listed in the results...most likely a chip issue,

With some relief from the humidity the Hounds ran at the mentally challenging Battle of Atlanta course with great success! Starting the day off were the varsity boys led by Will Brown( 13), Tony(14), Cole(15), Conor and Nick to a 2nd place out of 42 teams!!!!! The varsity girls were up next and under Sophie’s incredible 3rd place finish, and in the top 20, Lorel (16) and Hannah Rose (18), BOTH Pr’ed with performances under 21:00, and finalizing the Greyhounds score were Rachel and Bella H. for a 3rd place podium finish!!!!!
The JV girls ran next and definitely made us proud by WINNING their division behind the fleet feet of Isa, Alice, Makenna, Aurora and Bella P!!!! Congrats ladies!!! The JV boys also ran well as they finished 3rd overall with Bryce, Zane, Alec , Parker and William W. and Lambert leading the way for our large group of JV runners!! The Open athletes also received a trophy for their efforts with Clay, Nikhil, Jayda, Audrey, Madalyn and Olivia P all scoring for the 'Hounds.
Great day Greyhounds…..…WE are proud of the success you are having because of your hard work!!!
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday 3:45-6:00
Wednesday/Friday 6:20-7:30 (athletes can shower at school)
Team selection was based on attendance at 10 summer practices OR achieving the required time for the 2 mile time trial.
Let's go Greyhounds...Looking forward to a GREAT year!!
Kick Off Party is Thursday 8/16 @ 630 in the PHS cafeteria.

Current list of cleared athletes 8.2
Current athletes who are cleared for XC as of 7/31/18. Please note if your physical has been received by clicking on the various tabs of the Excel spreadsheet!! IF the paperwork isn't complete PLEASE update ASAP!!!!!

1. Complete a 2018-2019 physical.
Physical form for 2018-2019. Your physical MUST be completed AFTER 4/15/2018. Upload to you student vue account.
2. Register for XC through the grey button to the right. ------->

Congratulations to both the boys and the girls who brought home Region Trophies! Girls are Region CHAMPIONS and boys finished runner-up! Outstanding job!
The girls scored in 13 of 16 events with both athletes scoring in 7 events!!
The boys scored in 15 of 16 events with both athletes scoring in 9 events
Congratulations to the following athletes who are advancing to SECTIONALS!!
Girls: 7 Athletes (10 events)
Denise Issah: 100/200/Triple Jump(champion)/4x400
Hope Thornton: 800/1600/4x400
Brooke Mizelle: 4x400
Skylar Pocock: 4x400
Haylee Benson: High Jump(champion)/4x400
Meggie Hudson: Long Jump/4x400alt
Carolyn Deady: Shot Put(champion)/Discus
Boys: 11 Athletes(11 events)
Zach Owens: 100/4x100/4x400
Harry Coppedge-Reaves: 200/4x100
Tony Parisi: 800(champion)/4x400
Daunte Ford: 110H
Will Wideman: 300h/Long Jump/Triple Jump/4x400
Matthew McAlpine: 4x100/4x400alt
Will Zegers: 4x100/4x400
DeBrady Ford: Shot Put/Discus
Marco Guillen: Shot Put
Joe Stellmach: 4x100alt
Muiz Yoonis: 4x400alt

The Greyhounds were led by Jacob's 7th place finish and Axel's 15th finish to complete the GHSA season as the 6A State TEAM RUNNER-UP!! WE are very proud of your efforts and look forward to seeing what you can do as a team at the Meet of Champions this weekend!!!